Indian GP Organizers expect no threat to the event
As the petition of public campaigner Amit Kumar was entertained for a hearing by Supereme Court judge on Friday to cancel the 2013 Indian Grand Prix on unpaid Service Tax of 2012, media all over the world reported on the threat of Sunday´s race being cancelled,
But organizers and FMSCI president Vicky Chandhok feel that the court hearing may not jeopradise the event even if the law suit continues.
Campaigner Amit Kumar successfully agrued in 2011 that Formula 1 is not a sport but an entertainment and should not get any ta exemptions and he is back again this year with another petition to cancell the 2013 IndianGP sighting that the orgranizers havent paid the taxes for 2012.
Chief Justice P. Sathasivam approved the petition of Amit Kumar for a hearing on Friday while already Supreme Court ordered organisers two years ago to freeze 25 percent of ticket revenues until they had settled a tax dispute with the state where the racetrack is located.
FMSCI President, Vicky Chandhok feels the race is not under any threat even though the dispute may carry on in the court.
"The race will go on. There´s absolutely no doubt about that. This has happened many times before. You´ve had people trying to stop cricket matches – our justice system is pretty strong that no sporting event should be stopped. It´s a civil matter. Let it be heard in court as long as it takes and that´s it. No worries." he told to the BBC.
According to Chandhok many have tried to stop big events and cricket matched but the court which is under a system never jeopradised any event in the recent past which involves the interests of many of people taking part or associated with it.